Florida Solar Panels: Cost & Savings In 2024

Florida Solar Panels: Cost & Savings In 2024

By Renogy
renogys blog Jul 17th 2024

Florida is one of the sunniest states in America, behind Texas and California. It offers homeowners a great financial incentive and abundant direct sunlight to generate energy. However, the upfront cost of solar panels in Florida can be a concern. On average, Florida solar panels cost $34,960 before factoring in the federal tax credit, which may seem steep for many residents. Are solar panels worth it in Florida? Solar proves to be a valuable investment for most Florida residents. Here's what you should know about going solar in Florida.

Going Solar in Florida

Florida gets plenty of sun throughout the year. This benefit makes it perfect for using solar panels to produce power. It cannot be denied that many Floridians choose solar panels for beneficial reasons. Same condition for solar panels, more sunshine absorbs, more electricity produced. As electricity costs rise and environmental concerns abound, solar panels are becoming popular in Florida. Solar panels offer us to become more energy independent and reduce dependence on traditional electricity sources.

Installing solar panels in Florida provides many benefits:

  • With solar energy, electricity bills can be reduced while increasing the value or price of the house in the future.
  • Solar panels also reduce carbon emissions so they are good for the environment
  • Some rooftop solar power systems can keep Florida homes safe from hurricanes. suitable for those of you who live in countries that are experiencing hurricane season.

How much do solar panels cost in Florida?

Upfront, solar panels might seem a bit pricey, but think of it as an investment that pays you back over time! The average Florida home uses a 14.09 kW system, which can set you back around $32,966 before you factor in any sweet deals (and prices can range from $28,021 to $37,911). But, there's a 30% federal tax credit that helps bring that cost down a notch. Plus, certain cities in Florida provide extra help like grants, rebates, or low-interest loans for solar setups. The great part is, with savings on your electric bill over 25 years, you can break even on your investment in about 8.22 years. It's like getting paid back for choosing green energy.

cost of solar panels in Florida

Keep in mind, the size of your solar system affects the cost. A bigger system costs more upfront. For instance, doubling from a 5 kW to a 10 kW system roughly doubles the price tag. But hey, the upside is you get a bigger tax credit too.

Here's how costs break down by system size in Florida:

comparsion cost table before and after Florida tax credit

Factors affecting the cost of solar panels in Florida

The costs referred to are average. Specific costs depend on several factors related to your home, such as:

  • System size: Larger solar power systems cost more, but can be more economical in the long run.
  • quality: Better quality solar panels and inverters, but also more expensive. Even so, long-term maintenance will be more durable.
  • Panel type: Using monocrystalline panels produces a lot of energy and costs more than polycrystalline or thin film panels typically used in DIY projects.
  • Home: Installation costs vary, depending on roof shape or electrical.
  • Installer choice: Prices for installation labor vary among solar companies. Consider factors like reputation, warranty, and installation time.
  • Permits and interconnection: There are additional costs for permits and connecting your solar system to the grid, though these are usually minor compared to total installation costs.

What are the Best Solar Incentives in Florida?

The big perk for solar in Florida is his solar incentives: The Federal Residential Clean Energy Credit, used to be called the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). It chops 30% off your solar panel system's cost, covering everything from gear to labor.

1.Federal Residential Clean Energy Credit (ITC)

  • Incentive: Reduces solar panel system costs by 30%.
  • Average savings in Florida: $3,509
  • Description: You can claim this credit on your federal taxes when you buy a solar panel system with cash or a solar loan. It brings down the cost of a 5 kW system in Florida from about $11,697 to $8,188 after the credit is applied. Nonprofits and other tax-exempt entities may qualify too.

2.Local incentives

Some Florida cities give extra help like grants, rebates, or low-interest loans for installing solar panels. Places like Boynton Beach, Dunedin, and Tallahassee offer these incentives.

3.Florida Solar Tax Exemptions

  • Solar sales tax exemption: No sales tax on new solar setups in Florida. It saves at least 6% of the system's cost.
  • Using solar energy will not increase your property taxes based on the value of your panels in Florida, where the average property tax rate is 0.91%.

4.Net Metering In Florida

Net metering is a thing if your solar panel system links up with the grid. It lets you bank full credit for extra energy your panels make and push back to the grid. Credits roll over each month and reset every year. If you don't use all the energy credits you earn, your electric company will pay you a lower rate for the remaining energy. Typically, they will pay about 3 to 5 cents per kWh for extra unused energy.

Is Going Solar in Florida Worth it?

Think about it - Florida's basically a giant sunshine factory. Plus, the state's got some sweet deals and policies for solar users. Installing a 6 kW solar panel system in a place like Miami or Tampa can save you $1,348 to $1,468 annually. With the 30% federal tax credit, the cost would be about $13,902. With this budget, you will save up to 10 years on your electricity bill.

Can it last that long? 10 years may seem like a long time, high-quality solar panels can last for years. Some brands even guarantee it for 25 years or more. SunPower Maxeon panels, for instance, come with a 40-year warranty, meaning you get free electricity for 30 years after covering costs in 10 years. With a 25-year warranty, you still get free power for 15 years in Florida.

is going solar in Florida worth it

Florida's state perks for solar panels also make it a smart investment. Solar energy systems dodge state sales and property taxes. So, if your $400,000 home jumps to $430,000 after getting solar panels, you won't pay property taxes on the $30,000 rise.

Equipment Quality and Installation

To make sure safe and efficient installation, Florida has specific guidelines for equipment and installation practices.

Equipment Standards

  • Certification: Solar panels and equipment must have certification from a legal institution, such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories).
  • Quality: Spare parts must have quality and performance standards to ensure safety and efficiency.

Installation Practices

  • Licensed Contractor: Installation must be performed by licensed and certified staff or contractors.
  • Building Code Compliance: Installation must comply with applicable building codes for safety.

Solar Panel Installations in Florida

steps of solar panels installation in Florida

Before Installation

  • Location: First, a professional will visit your home to check whether your roof is suitable for solar panels. They assess sun exposure, roof strength, and shading.
  • Design and Systems: After assessing the home's roof, a technician will design the solar panels to suit your needs. They will plan the position the panels will be installed, the inverter needed, and other equipment. Once the plan is complete, they will ask for your approval.
  • Permits: It is very important to obtain permits from local authorities. This is for the technician's safety when installing.

During Installation

  1. Equipment Delivery: Once the permit is complete, the solar panels, inverter, and mounting will be delivered to your home.
  2. Mounting Panel: the technician will install it safely on your roof. they usually install rails under the roof tiles.
  3. Installing the Panel & Wiring: the technician will place the panel on stands and connect it to the inverter.
  4. Connecting the Inverter: An inverter, which converts DC power to AC, will be installed.
  5. Grid Connection: Finally, the technician will connect your solar panels to the power grid and finalize.

After Installation

Activation & Monitoring: Once everything checks out, your solar system will be activated and start generating clean energy for your home! Many systems also come with tools to monitor how much energy you're producing.

Permitting and inspection requirements

Understanding the rules and permits for putting up solar panels in Florida is really important to make everything go smoothly. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Building Permits: You have to give detailed plans to your local building office. Once they say it’s okay, you’ll get a permit that shows your plans follow safety rules.
  2. HOA Approval: Homeowners Association (HOA) permission required before installing solar panels, if any. They usually have some rules about where and how you can install them.
  3. Connecting to the Power Grid: requires approval from your utility company. This will explain how to connect and what happens to the extra power you use.
  4. Local authority permission: Since installing solar panels involves electrical work, you will need permission from the local electrical authority. This ensures everything is safe.

Best Solar Installers in Florida

Choosing the right solar installation vendor in Florida is important to you. Check the important things below:

  1. Reputation: choose a company with a good reputation and a lot of experience. Check customer reviews and see if they have official certification.
  2. System Design and Quality: Make sure the installer uses high-quality components. A well-designed system performs better and lasts longer.
  3. Financing Options: Different installers offer payment plans, including loans or leases. Pick the one that fits your budget.
  4. Warranties and Guarantees: Ensure the installer offers guarantees on their work and equipment, promising your system meets energy production needs.
  5. Customer Service: Choose a company with good customer service. They should be able to answer your questions and help you before, during, and after installation.


Thinking about going solar in Florida? It's a great idea because of the weather! While it is more expensive, solar panels can really cut your electric bill over time. Plus you can get federal tax breaks and local incentives. Florida's weather and policies make it an ideal place for solar energy.


How much do solar panels cost for a 2,000-square-foot house in Florida?

For a typical 2,000-square-foot house in Florida, you'll likely need a 5kW solar panel system. This system usually costs about $14,809 in Florida, but with state incentives, you can bring that down to around $11,000.

How many solar panels for one home in Florida?

To power an average household in Florida, you'd generally need between 20 to 30 solar panels.

What are the solar panel budgeting options?

There are few ways. Each option has its own benefits depending on your financial situation and what works best for you:

  • Paying upfront with cash.
  • Taking out a solar loan to purchase the system.
  • Submit a solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA).