Dan Grec


Dan Grec



My title? I don't really have one. My adventure is called "The Road Chose Me"



My Renogy Solar panels and charge controller gives me the freedom to leave my Jeep parked for up to two weeks without draining the battery while running the fridge, interior lights, charging my camera gear and laptop. It's great to leave the Jeep and go out hiking and exploring and know I won't be stranded when I return. The readout on the Charge Controller is a great way to monitor the system at a glance, and I'm always excited to see how much solar power has been made in a day, and my all-time total.


What Renogy Products you use?

2 X 100W lightweight flexible solar panels, ViewStar 20A Charge Controller.


Links to social media

Website: theroadchoseme.com
Facebook: facebook.com/theroadchoseme
Instagram: instagram.com/theroadchoseme
Twitter: twitter.com/dangrec
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCkyky5zC8R1Gi6YeeCR6BDg