How Much Solar Power Do I Need for My Tiny House in 2024

How Much Solar Power Do I Need for My Tiny House in 2024

Jun 16th 2024

If you're considering beginning your off-grid journey, you might need to know how much solar power do your house need before buying solar panels to build a independent solar power system. The exact number you need will depend on the size of your home, your electricity usage and the angle shadding and orientation of your roof. On average, you might need between 15 and 20 solar panels to fully power a typical home in US. and the angle, shading and orientation of your roof are key factors in determining how many solar panels you need.

Why Should You Use Solar Power In Your Tiny House?

Tiny homes are all about maximizing efficiency in a minimal space, and what better way to extend that philosophy than by embracing solar energy?

With the tiny home market poised to reach an impressive $6.9 billion by 2029, more and more people are seeking out sustainable, flexible, and cost-effective living solutions. Let's delve into some key benefits that make solar power a compelling choice for tiny homeowners.


One of the main pain points for any homeowner is utility costs. For tiny homeowners, the motivation is even stronger; 80% cite financial savings as a key factor in their decision to go solar.

By generating your own electricity, you can dramatically cut down your energy bill. Given that the system's weight and dimensions are tailored for tiny homes, you can maximize efficiency without cluttering your limited space.

Eco-Friendly Living

As we collectively move toward a greener future, solar energy stands out as a sustainable choice. This is particularly true for tiny homeowners, as 35-40% of them already live completely off-grid. Solar power reduces your carbon footprint and aligns perfectly with the ethos of tiny home living, which often embraces a more sustainable, back-to-basics approach to life.


One unique aspect of tiny homes is their mobility; 75% are on wheels and move at least once a year. Solar power systems can be just as mobile. With clever roof-mounted or ground-mounted installations, you can easily set up and dismantle your solar panels whenever you decide to change your scenery, making it a seamless part of your nomadic lifestyle.

Increased Home Value

Beyond the immediate benefits, installing a solar power system can significantly increase the value of your tiny home. A solar setup can be a powerful selling point, emphasizing savings and eco-friendliness while future-proofing the home. As more people become environmentally conscious, a tiny home equipped with a solar power system becomes an increasingly attractive option in the market.

solar tiny house

How Much Solar Power Do I Need for My Tiny House

Before you can set up a solar energy system that meets your needs, you need to understand just how much energy those needs require. Thankfully, calculating your tiny home's energy consumption isn't as complicated as it sounds.

There are generally two ways to approach this: you can either review your existing utility bills for a ballpark figure or create a list of all the appliances and devices you'll use in your tiny home and calculate their daily energy consumption.

To make it easier, we've prepared an example you can use to map out your energy needs:

To find the daily energy consumption, multiply the power rating by the daily usage. For example, an LED light bulb rated at 10 Watts used for 5 hours daily would consume 50 Watt-hours daily.

By mapping out your appliances and their energy needs, you can determine the size of the solar energy system you'll need. This step is crucial in avoiding the disappointment of an under- or over-built system.

And don't forget, tools like the Renogy solar panel calculator are there to guide you through this process, making it even more straightforward.

home appliance electricity usage table

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need for My House?

After figuring out how much energy your tiny home needs. The next logical question is: how many solar panels will it take to generate that energy? There is no one-size-fits-all answer; it varies based on several factors unique to you and your home, including:

Your Energy Consumption

That handy table you made to calculate your daily energy needs can be a good starting point here. The more devices and appliances you power, the more solar panels you need.Also, you can look at your electricity bill to find out how much energy your household consumes in a month. This is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). If your monthly energy consumption is 900 kWh, your daily usage is approximately 30 kWh (900 kWh / 30 days).

The Peak Sunlight Hours in Your Area

Research the average peak sunlight hours for your location. This is the number of hours per day when sunlight is strong enough to generate significant power.


Solar panels need room to soak up the sun, and tiny homes aren't exactly known for their expansive roof space. However, if the roof can't accommodate your solar dreams, consider using ground and pole mounting options. Additionally, high-efficiency panels may cost more upfront but generate more power in less space. This is a boon for tiny homes where space is at a premium.


Your geographical location affects how much sunlight your panels will receive. The angle of your panels can be adjusted to maximize sun exposure, optimizing the energy you can produce each day.

For context, imagine your tiny home needs 24,000 watt-hours per day. A single 250-watt panel soaking up sunlight for 8 hours can generate 2,000 watts a day. Doing some quick math, you'd need about 12 panels to meet your daily energy consumption.

Solar panel wattage

Also referred to as a solar panel's power rating, panel wattage indicates the electrical output of a particular solar panel under good conditions. Wattage is measured in watts (W), check the wattage rating of the solar panels you intend to install. Solar panels typically range from 250 watts to 400 watts each.

Building a Solar System for Your Tiny Home Step-by-Step

Say you decide that solar energy is the way to go for your tiny home—fantastic choice! The question is: how do you go from idea to implementation? No need to worry; we have you covered.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to illuminate your solar journey:

Step 1: Set a Budget

Like any major project, setting a realistic budget is essential. Solar panels, charge controllers, inverters, batteries, and installation all come with costs. Knowing your budget will help you decide which components to splurge on and where you can save.

Step 2: Decide Where It Will Go (Rooftop vs. Ground)

Since space is often a premium in tiny homes, you need to decide whether your solar array will go on the rooftop or require a ground-based system. Ground systems are easier to clean and maintain but may take up valuable land space. Rooftop systems are space-efficient, but consider the weight and whether your structure can handle it.

Step 3: Choose Your Solar Panels

With your budget and placement decided, it's time to pick your panels. Remember, efficiency is a priority, especially when working with limited space. Look for high-quality panels that provide the most power for their size.

Step 4: Find a Racking System

The racking system holds your panels in place, either on the ground or on your roof. Choose one that is durable and suited to your specific setup. Ground systems often require a more robust frame, while rooftop systems need to be lightweight yet secure.

Step 5: Put It All Together

Now that you have all the pieces to your solar puzzle, it's time to put it all together. Wiring your system is a crucial step for optimal performance, and doing so correctly will help you get the most out of your solar panel system.

Unless you have experience working with electrical systems, we recommend seeking professional help. Our experts at Renogy can guide you through the process to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.

build solar tiny house


In conclusion, determining the right amount of solar power for your tiny house involves a few essential calculations and considerations. By assessing your daily energy consumption, factoring in your location's peak sunlight hours, and selecting the appropriate solar panel system, you can efficiently power your tiny home with renewable energy.


Can I Run My Whole House on Solar Power?

Yes, you can run your entire home on solar power as long as your electrical system is 100% compatible with enough solar panels for your annual electricity usage.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need for a 2000 Square Feet Home?

You’ll likely only need about 10 to 17 solar panels to power your 2000 square feet home each month.

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