How to Go Solar in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Go Solar in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Renogy
renogys blog Jul 18th 2024

As renewable energy gains momentum, more homeowners are asking how to go solar in 2024. Depletion in the cost of solar panel installation and emergence of new financing models enable homeowners to shift away from the utility, hence cutting on their energy costs. It will also help you understand what solar is all about, the prices to expect, rebates and credits you may be entitled to, and all about putting up a system on your house. We will also discuss the current state of Solar panels and the batteries that will assist you in making a sound decision. Regardless of the intent and purpose it may be energy independence or keeping costs down solar power is a good answer for 2024 and the following year.

Benefits of going solar in 2024

Thinking about going solar in 2024? You're not alone. More homeowners are discovering that solar power isn't just good for the planet—it's great for their wallets too. From slashing energy bills to boosting property values, solar offers real, tangible benefits. Here's why 2024 might be your year to make the switch:

Lower Energy Costs

Out of all the benefits of solar energy, the most noble is that you’re able to chop off large chunks of your electricity bills. It can supply the  electricity needed in homes and reduce the dependence on the public grid electricity supply. Most of the times, incorporating solar can bring your electricity bill to $0. Savings by using solar energy will increase in the long run due to the constant increase in utility rates.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Going solar is is good for the environment, as solar energy does not emit any green house gases to the environment. Using this type of power can help in reducing the carbon foot print of your house and the environment in general. The reason behind this is that it plays a role in fighting global warming as fossil fuel power plants are pushed out.

Increased Home Value

According to various researches, installation of the solar panels may increase the value of your property. Such extra value could be between $15000 and $30000 and above depending on the size of an average solar array. If you ever choose to sell your property, such equipment are a plus to potential buyers.

Available Tax Credits and Incentives

You can claim a Federal Solar Tax Credit which allows deducting 26% from your federal taxes using your installation cost as basis. Additionally, many states together with local governments provide further allowances or rebates towards this endeavor. Those credits combined with other incentives can bring down out-of-pocket expenses for going solar by 2024.

benefits of going solar in 2024

Steps You Should Take to Go Solar in 2024

Now, it is time to consider how get solar panels on the roof of your house andrew. Below is the check list that you should consider to enhance your potential of getting the best out of your solar investment and being rewarded in the future.

1.Assess your home's solar potential

The initial process is that you have to assess your home to see if it is eligible for solar power. Key factors to consider include:

  • Roof tilt and direction – Optimal direction of a roof is southwards while the optimal tilt of the roof is in the range of 15-45 degree depending on the location in the northern hemisphere. But, roofs in the east or west orientation can also be effective.
  • Shading – Trees or other buildings should not cast an shadow on the roof during the day as this decrease electricity output of the solar modules. Maximize exposure to the sun if you wish to get the best out of photovoltaic cells.
  • Roof type and condition – Relatively few roof types cannot structurally support a PV system if the construction is done properly. The surface on which the work is to be done should not have any form of opening or any other deficiencies that might hinder its performance.
  • Space – How many panels you can install on the roof given the size and slope of the roof. In general, the residential installations require 100 sq ft per every kW of the capacity they have; hence, a standard household will need 300-500 sq ft for a 3-5 kW facility.

2.Research solar panel options

If your home has good solar potential, the next step is researching the different types of solar panels. These are the monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon panels which are widely used in the market. Monocrystalline panels are a little more efficient than the polycrystalline but also cost a little more. There are thin-film panels of cadmium telluride (CdTe) which are less efficient but they may surpass silicon in high temperatures. From panel brands and models, one ought to compare efficiency, durability, temperature coefficients, degradation rates, warranties, and looks. Choose solar panels with warranty of 25 years and longer.

3.Find a qualified solar installer

Selection of the installer is very important when it comes to solar installation.

  • The installers should be licensed and should have a lot of experience in the installation of solar power systems. Question them on the duration they have been in business and the number of installation projects they have done.
  • It is also advisable to get estimates from several installers so that to compare their charges and what they offer. Request for quotations on options to buy the equipment as well as to lease it.
  • Get as many specific details as possible concerning their experience, qualifications, insurance, tools, and safety procedures.
  • Search for reviews of the installers on the social platforms such as Yelp, Angie’s List and the Better Business Bureau. Request references from previous customers, if any.
  • If possible, installers should be selected from the local area. They will have some understanding of permitting and laws in your area.

The best solar company will offer services ranging from system design, permitting, installation, and even maintenance.

steps to go solar in 2024

4.Understand the financial aspects

There are a few key financial considerations when going solar:

  • Federal Tax Credit – This credit which stands at 26% federal solar tax credit can significantly lower your costs of solar installation. This credit is applicable to system purchase as well as the solar leasing.
  • State/local incentives – There are many state and utility specific rebates, tax credits, or performance-based incentives to bring down your costs even more. Carry out extensive research on available options in your area.
  • Solar loans - If you do not wish to lease, solar loans are available to pay for the solar energy system with the terms of 10-20 years. Look at the terms offered by banks, credit unions, as well as other solar loan companies.
  • Net metering - You are allowed to get credit for the excess energy produced by the solar system and fed to the grid. This credit balances out the energy that you may be using at night.
  • Consider return on investment - It is beneficial to determine the long-term energy saving and incentive values to estimate the number of years it will take for you to start gaining from your solar system.

5.Prepare for the installation process

Once you've selected an installer and signed a contract, take these steps to get ready for installation day:

  • Clear the installation area so panels can be transported onto your roof safely. Remove debris or obstructions.
  • For roof-mounted systems, ensure your roof can structurally support the additional weight of the panels. Your installer should assess this.
  • Obtain any required permits from your city or town building department. Your solar company will usually handle the permitting process.
  • Discuss the electrical work required, like installing a new meter or upgrading your electrical panel. Factor any electrical upgrades into your cost estimates.
  • Ask your installer about the full timeline from permitting to inspection and ask to see photos of finished installations.
  • Be prepared for installation to take multiple days, especially for large systems. Ensure you'll be home to give access to your property.

6.Maintain and monitor your solar system

Once your solar panels are installed, a few maintenance practices will keep them performing optimally:

  • Clean solar panels periodically to remove dust, dirt, and debris that can obstruct sunlight. Cleaning 2-4 times per year is recommended.
  • Check that tree branches aren't overgrowing and causing excessive shading on your panels. Prune them if needed.
  • Have a professional solar technician perform more thorough inspections and maintenance every 3-5 years. This includes checking wiring, inverter operation, and bolt tightness.
  • Monitor your solar energy production frequently through your installer's app or online portal. Verify that output is consistent and as expected.
  • Watch for error codes or alerts indicating potential equipment issues. Diagnose and address any problems immediately.
  • Consider purchasing a maintenance and monitoring service plan from your installer for longer-term care of your system.


The future is solar power, and the year 2024 may be the best time to consider installing solar panels. Solar energy is still a very renewable source that is funded by federal tax credits, and this technology will only improve over time as well as last for many years into the future. Using this guide will help you navigate the process of how to correctly evaluate your home, compare costs and benefits, select equipment, and get to know what installation is all about. Be patient and ensure that you make a research on the best company to deal with. When done right, the process will make you one of the millions of homeowners who have benefited from clean, renewable solar power.


Does my roof need to face south for solar?

To maximize solar energy production, the most ideal position for your roof should be facing southwards. However, this does not mean that east or west-facing roofs cannot be used. What the installer does is they look at all your conditions and come up with the best system design.

Can I install solar panels myself?

For people who are conversant with technology, they can install solar panels by themselves but this is not recommended. Solar systems have some serious electrical and structural considerations hence it’s necessary to have professionals do the installation for safety reasons as well as meeting standards which will ensure their performance isn’t compromised.

How much roof space do I need for solar panels?

Typically, an unshaded area of around 100 square feet should be available in most homes if they want to set up a 3-5 kW photovoltaic array.